3 Tips for Creating an Engaging Online Course

course creation tips online course online course creation Dec 12, 2023
3 Tips for Creating an Engaging Online Course

I've been having conversations recently about how to create an engaging online course, with many course creators asking me: How do I keep my people engaged? How do I keep them from ghosting me once they've registered?

One of the biggest mistakes I've seen entrepreneurs turned online course creators make, is forgetting who they're making their course for. Something happens when translating their coaching program, book, or in-person training into an online format. The learner gets lost.

So, if you want to create a course that empowers, engages, and ultimately transforms, then here are my engagement 3 tips:

Engagement tip #1

Make your learners the hero of the story. Intimately knowing your ideal learner means you can center learning around them. Create a course that speaks to their pain points, removes barriers to learning, and guides them towards their goals.

Engagement tip #2

Everyone comes in to your course with their own lived experience. So, allow your learners to draw upon their unique background and expertise, while encouraging them to challenge and extend themselves. Remember, they're not empty vessels to be filled with knowledge - they have existing knowledge that you will help them to activate and take to the next level.

Engagement tip #3

Create space for your learners to interact with, support, nurture, and challenge each other, while embracing different perspectives. Provide a safe community that connects your learners, and encourages discussion, reflection, exchange, collaboration, and accountability.

Have you created an online course? If so, how are you keeping your people engaged?