The Knowledge Alchemy Blog

Debunking the myth of "passive" income course creation course creation tips course creators online course creation

Are courses really passive income?

We've seen the social media posts about creating a course and then sitting by the beach drinking cocktails as the money rolls in (you know the ones I mean).

Ya, those ones - create a course in no time, and then live the life of your dreams. But, like anything in...

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3 things they don't tell you about creating an online course course creation online course creation

There are course creators out there who will tell you they created their course in 5 minutes, with minimum spend, and with zero stress.

They lie.

Here are 3 things they don’t tell you about creating your first course.

1. It takes time.

There is a bit of ground work before you even start the...

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3 things to get you on track for creating your course this year course creation tips online course creation

At the end of 2023 many of us made plans, set intentions, and created our visions. Now it’s 2024 and it’s time for action. So, what’s your next step? How can you set yourself up for bringing your vision of an online course to life this new year?

Here are three steps...

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3 Tips for Creating an Engaging Online Course course creation tips online course online course creation

I've been having conversations recently about how to create an engaging online course, with many course creators asking me: How do I keep my people engaged? How do I keep them from ghosting me once they've registered?

One of the biggest mistakes I've seen entrepreneurs turned online course...

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