Debunking the myth of "passive" income

course creation course creation tips course creators online course creation Mar 13, 2024
Are online courses really passive income?

Are courses really passive income?

We've seen the social media posts about creating a course and then sitting by the beach drinking cocktails as the money rolls in (you know the ones I mean).

Ya, those ones - create a course in no time, and then live the life of your dreams. But, like anything in life, creating a course that's going to give you that level of financial success is going to take work.

Here's the truth:

Nothing that you do "passively" is going to magically pay off. It's not a set and forget process, despite what the shiny, dancey, cocktail sipping course creators will tell you. Believe me, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that they don't show you.

1. It's active 

The process of translating your knowledge and expertise into a course involves strategic planning, content structuring, and considerations of how people learn. It's not just about putting your content into slides or videos and creating worksheets and thinking that's going to work.

2. It's iterative 

It requires you to stay connected with your learners, to improve, update, adapt and evolve your program between launches to ensure that it stays relevant and meets the ever-changing needs of the market.

3. It's educational

You will need to educate, and not just inform. This means a paradigm shift in how you think about yourself as the presenter of information, and your students as the receivers. It's a two-way exchange that requires your input and participation in order to work and work well.

The good news

This is good news! Why? Because the more you put into your course or program, the more you learners get out of it. And the more they get out of it, the more successful you will be. That's when you can start sipping those cocktails and celebrating your success.

Want somehelp getting on track? Book a Free Connection Call and let’s talk about how we can get you on track to creating your course this year.