The Knowledge Alchemy Blog

Moving beyond the age of information to the age of transformation course creation course creators learner experience learner-centered course mission and values

Have you found yourself drowning in a sea of information, yet still struggling to bring about real change in your life? I've been there, and I understand the frustration all too well.

So as coaches, consultants, and course creators how do we add value to this sea of information and help bring...

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The course that changed my life course creation mission and values

I will never forget the first course I developed which led me to starting my own business. It was the course that changed my life.

Where it started

I had been working for universities, creating academic courses for online learning when a close friend of mine introduced me to an amazing...

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Success versus Greatness - What’s your meaningful mission? mission and values


What’s the difference between success and greatness? I work with entrepreneurs who have achieved both success and greatness, but I believe what has made them successful, is their greatness. And by that I mean, their meaningful mission and values that drive their contribution.

The 3...

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Why you need to design a course high in IQ course creation tips mission and values online course

Digital learning is fast becoming the conduit for professional and self-development, and a tool for those in the business of transformation to reach a larger audience and extend their influence. The intellectual integrity of an online course is one key differentiator in how experts can...

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