The course that changed my life

course creation mission and values Jun 27, 2023
Course creation

I will never forget the first course I developed which led me to starting my own business. It was the course that changed my life.

Where it started

I had been working for universities, creating academic courses for online learning when a close friend of mine introduced me to an amazing visionary and purpose worker, Rebecca Maklad.

She had a successful high-level consulting program, keynote presentations, and podcast, and she wanted to bring together her key teachings into an online course. She wanted to create a course that would not only fill a gap in her business, but one that would contribute to her purpose of elevating human potential.

Together, she and I embarked on the path to create that course together, and it was beautiful. During that process, she saw in me what I had not yet seen in myself, and helped lead me down the path of my own purpose. She helped me to see that I had a unique gift, and that I could use that gift to help people like her create purposeful and impactful courses. 

The big leap

When I realised that I could turn my learning design experience from academia, into a business that nourished my heart and helped others bring their knowledge to life, my life changed.

I did what I had never before considered doing. I stepped (more like flew) out of the protection of the academic space, and into the business of helping experts alchemise their knowledge into courses of impact. 

Where I am now

Reflecting back, meeting my first client was an act of universal serendipity that redirected my whole career, and my life. Now I get to do what I love best - working with like-minded entrepreneurs to turn their knowledge into courses. For me, it goes beyond course creation - it's about helping them use their knowledge to grow their reach, expand their influence, and contribute to positive change.