3 things they don't tell you about creating an online course

course creation online course creation Jan 22, 2024
3 things they don't tell you about creating an online course

There are course creators out there who will tell you they created their course in 5 minutes, with minimum spend, and with zero stress.

They lie.

Here are 3 things they don’t tell you about creating your first course.

1. It takes time.

There is a bit of ground work before you even start the creation and development process. This is actually where most of your time should be spent. Then when it comes to developing your content resources, the rest should be easy if you’ve done the ground work right.

2. It costs money.

There is a financial investment to be made when creating your course so you need to budget and consider your costs. This includes the cost of hiring specialists, the hosting platform, marketing costs, and tech and programs. Of course if done right, your course will not only pay itself off, but generate continuous profit for your business, but it’s important to consider the upfront costs.

3. It’s not always easy.

Creating your course can be rewarding, inspiring, and fun. But not all the time. There will be times when you’ll lose steam, question yourself, and want to quit. Creating a course is a big commitment. You’ll make mistakes, and you’ll learn a lot about yourself in the process. Expect this, and know that this is normal.

Want somehelp getting on track? Book a Free Connection Call and let’s talk about how we can get you on track to creating your course this year.